And when you're a spineless soul-selling COON.... You're a spineless soul-selling COON-NEGRO!!!! U old Steven Off Django, Uncle Ruckus in real life, Hate-the-skin-U-In,Poor excuse for a Black Man,Willie Lynch endorsing ass COON!!!! Just look at how those rich privileged white men laughing in satisfaction AT U,because you're so lost in your own selfishness that you'd(even at this fragile state that the nation is in)SELL YOUR OWN PEOPLE OUT!!!! You're a fucking disgrace to ALL GENERATIONS of black people,young and old. Your family,friends,and ancestors should be ashamed to claim your STUPID ASS!!! Now I see why @miketyson @floydmayweather #MuhammasAli & all your fighters ran your ass outta boxing.... WE as a people deserve better!!!! #DonCoon

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