TSRStaff: Thembi ( @ThembiTV_ ) _____________________________________ You know what—the person who designed this app that tells you if a #McDonald’s ice cream machine is broken is the plug. On one hand I’m like, Mickey D’s has waaaayyy too much money and is too big of a franchise to even be having these kinds of problems but that’s none of my business. _____________________________________ The best part about this app THOUGH—to me at least—is that a black girl created it!! Yassss come through with that #BlackGirlMagic for the culture Raina McLeod!! _____________________________________ “I came up with the idea for the app around a year ago, after a late night Oreo McFlurry craving went unfulfilled due to the ice cream machine being down,” she told BuzzFeed. _____________________________________ Welp, there you have it #Roommates! Long gone are the days you had to brace yourself from losing it at McDonald’s on your #McFlurry trip! The name of the app is #IceCheck, and it will be saving lives, and gas—one scoop at a time!

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