I want to apologize to the girl that I Love and the only girl I will ever Love @lilkimthequeenbee my baby's mother/ best friend . She is an amazingly beautiful girl inside & out and the realest girl I kno ... My heart is with her . I made a lot of mistakes growing up and I even made mistakes after I grew up but one of my biggest mistakes was losing my wife and all that time with my family ... When I posted a pic of her enemy I was in my feelings and upset because she was posting pics with other niggaz and I acted off my emotions , but the truth is , there is no female out here , rapper chick /celeb chick or regular female that is Badder or flyer than Kim "nobody "!!! And as u guys can see I'm the type of person that just says exactly what I feel No Chill I'm just happy I get to be back in my daughters life . She's my little twin and I won't ever be away from her no matter what ! All I can say is ...God is Real!!! I thank the Big Homie for putting me back with my family (Photo credit @lilkimthequeenbee )

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