Open letter to the misinformed writer at Forbes - go to my thanks Forbes is not a blog, or a random source of news - I have forever been a fan I'm actually apart of the Forbes monthly mags Amazing that you would jump out there and write a story and make a complete fool of yourself like this.... I guess the concept of "Perception vs Reality" has just set in - in a real embarrassing way- playing a "role" is doing just that... Playing a role.... Do your research I was at home innocent it's the FANS who started the "Tyrese Green Lantern Campaign" so again do your research bro...NOT just write a whole article based on movies that I've done that in your mind are "popular"... All dramatic roles... Baby Boy? Four Brothers,? Waist Deep..? Black Nativity.? Annapolis? I've actually done more dramatic roles and movies then anything comedic - or charming- I'm an entertainer and were supposed to be use to people writing random blogs and stories - that's fine.... you ARE entitled to your opinion- but please KNOW your facts, and DO your research before your press that UPLOAD button... Especially on Forbes? I expected better champ!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend - I've provided your list of movies for you when you do your re-write... Since you decided to typecast me... I would appreciate an apology for writing this misinformed article.... Thanks - Tyrese Gibson #ComicBookFan #LoveMyFansSupporters # No jokes cracked here...... Links in my bio!

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