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This is tough for me to share, but if just ONE woman decides to get her mammogram after watching this, what I’m going through will be worth it. 🌸PRACTICE EARLY DETECTION🌸 Share this with a woman you love. These 6 minutes could help save her life. 😌I love you guys😌 #breastcancerawarenessmonth #myjourney #breastcancer #getyourmammogram #earlydetection #savelives #fuckcancer #GodisGood #Allthetime #thetestisthetestimony #knowyourpower #alternativetherapies #stayfearless #igotthis #takecareofyourgirls #breasthealth #lovelife #joy #behappy #nomatterwhat

A post shared by Ananda Lewis (@imanandalewis) on