The love in me is something I can't control or explain..... I can feel every wave at 100%.... A very sensitive and humble soul that fights to stay liberated. I've been lost, deep in bondage, suicidal, and didn't know how to call on the Most High because I didn't believe I had the right words to be heard. I'm here now more certain than I have ever been and I have arrived at a true understanding of my purpose, worth, and an unconditional love and compassion for myself. A true God becoming talent that I will only use for my contribution in healing all of myself and all of the world. #2017 until my demise, I will give my all to everyone in all that I do!! I'm a vessel that has gone through fire to gain my wings and once was a caged bird that #Sang - Thank you to all that have understood me and prayed for me in my darkest times and to all that I have ever hurt in my life, I felt the same hurt while hurting you. I'm very remorseful and I'm truly apologetic for behavior that didn't reflect my true nature, which is love. We are all Gods dream, so let's allow God to take it from here... #ISurrenderAll #ForeverNow #HappyNewYear @syraiiman you saved me angel. I love you more than loveđź’ˇ#Forgiveness

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