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Happy Mother’s Day Mommy! Because of you I chase after God, I want to make good decisions, I work hard, I have a dream job (you kicked my career off with “Finally Karen”), maintain grace, find the balance between grace and assertiveness, always finding ways to be better than I was yesterday, encourage others, aim to be considerate of others, and seek to mind my business. You are one woman that minds her businesssss!!! 😩✊🏾You’re beyond the epitome of a woman. You’re strong and timeless. You’re not one to air all of your thoughts and somehow maintain your geniusness. Proverbs 31 has become my checklist and you literally have every one of them checked off. You’re my best friend and I can stay on the phone with you, or with you ALL Day. You’ve put your projects on hold to support your Husband and children but you’ve never forgotten about yourself and your purpose. You’ve built your home in faith, action, and words of truth and affirmation. I am grateful that God chose me to be yours. Thank you for choosing my Daddy and deciding to do life with him, you guys pushed out some pretty cool people. ☺️ I love you so much! I’m so glad you’re alive and well, and I don’t take your presence in my life for granted. #HappyMothersDay

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